the follow through initiative

When we follow up, students follow through

Support Today

the opportunity

For more than five decades, we have been honored to witness thousands of young people make life-changing decisions at our events. These include:

First Time DecisionsRepentanceKingdom WorkVocational MinistryWhile these moments are beautiful and pivotal to the faith journey, what happens afterwards is just as important. They need support to move them from the moment of calling to a lifetime of commitment. They need a church to follow up, so they can follow through. We’ve done the research, established strategic thought-partners and created a plan – now we are building it.

The Plan

Under CIY’s new Follow Through Initiative, we are creating a holistic discipleship platform, a Learning Management System (LMS), that will support students after they make a decision at a CIY event. In our research, we have found that effective discipleship includes three areas of growth for young people:

  • Resources: learning and growth tools about God and themselves
  • Relationships: a support system to walk alongside them
  • Repetition: meaningful practice to serve and lead

So we are building a platform that will house all three. Resourcing one decision type per year, starting with vocational ministry, we will load content into the app for both the student and the key adults in their lives.

Learn more about our plan HERE.

The Invitation

Pray With Us

Pray for those who have made decisions, that they would be affirmed and confirmed in their calling and receive the support they need to follow through.

Support The Work

Give financially to help build and launch a system that will resource 700,000+ life-changing decisions over the next 10 years

Are you a church leader?

Use your influence to help shift the model of how churches measure success in youth ministry. More than just attendance, let’s track and celebrate student activation in two ways:

  1. SERVING: Track the number of students serving in your church each week.
  2. SENDING: Set a number of “Timothys” your church will send and support each year.

More Ways To Partner

Host or attend a Pursue event. Click here for more info.

Utilize and share CIY’s Called resource. Click here for more info.

contact us

Want to explore how you and your church can get involved in The Follow Through Initiative? We’d love to chat with you!

Anna Phillips

Anna Phillips

Strategic Partnerships Officer
Katelyn Adams

Katelyn Adams

Director of Digital Products