San Jose, Ecuador

June 20 - 28, 2025


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The Location

San Jose

For nearly 30 years Engage has had the privilege to partner with IberoAmerican Ministries (IAM) and the leaders of their Ecuadorian churches. IAM’s focus is on the local church as they work with teams of missionaries and national pastors to establish a movement of reproducing churches.

On this experience, you will assist and encourage an Ecuadorian church in the small coastal town of San Jose. You will be involved in community outreach with the church through relationship building and children’s ministry. IAM has a program hosted at the church for vulnerable children in the community. You will participate in church ministry, soccer outreach on the beach, and help teach Bible lessons to the kids as they hear the truth of the Gospel and how much the Father loves them. If the need is present, you may also help with a variety of work projects to help advance the ministry.

Click here to view a sample schedule of what a week in Ecuador with IAM may look like.

IberoAmerican Ministries (IAM)

Planting. Serving. Sending.


School & Children’s Program / Church Planting

IAM is a church planting and compassion-based organization working to see peoples, communities and nations transformed by Christ, through the global movements of Kingdom disciples. Working in South America, West Africa, the Middle East, and Europe, IAM’s goal is to see disciples of Christ rise up and continue extending His kingdom to other parts of the world. Since 1992 IAM has worked using dynamic discipleship techniques and a variety of compassion and education projects to see this goal come alive. In Ecuador specifically, IAM has served to raise up national leaders who now work with 6 church plants, elementary schools, children’s feeding programs and tutoring programs in low-income communities.

ReligionsRoman Catholic - 95%Other - 5%
Ethnic GroupsMestizo - 71.91%Montubio - 7.4%Afro-ecaudorian - 7.2%Amer-indian -7.2%White - 6.1%Other - 0.4%
LanguagesSpanish - 93%Quechua - 4%Other indigenous - 0.7%
IndustriesPetroleumFood processingTextilesWood productsChemicals
Roman Catholic - 95%Other - 5%
Mestizo - 71.91%Montubio - 7.4%Afro-ecaudorian - 7.2%Amer-indian -7.2%White - 6.1%Other - 0.4%
Spanish - 93%Quechua - 4%Other indigenous - 0.7%
PetroleumFood processingTextilesWood productsChemicals




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