Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

July 12 - 19, 2025

Trip Cost

$1650 + AIRFARE

Airfare is added to the base cost to make the total cost per person. The Engage team will work with each Group Leader to book tickets from your desired departing airport.

Before registering, please read through our Registration Policy

Event Capacity

Registration Open

Registration Open

Trip Cost

$1650 + AIRFARE

Airfare is added to the base cost to make the total cost per person. The Engage team will work with each Group Leader to book tickets from your desired departing airport.

Before registering, please read through our Registration Policy

The Location

Santo Domingo

As the first city founded in the Americas, Santo Domingo is a rich blending of European, African, and native Taino Indian cultures. Spanish is the official language of the DR, although the locals blend Spanish with Dominican elements, making it “Dominicanese.” The team will do some tangible projects in the local community that will have a long-term impact. You may also spend time in a rural mountain village teaching Bible lessons at an elementary school and assisting with projects through the village church. You will also have the incredible opportunity to spend time with members of El Circulo Church through involvement in outreach projects. Come join this team and experience God’s redeeming love and grace for His people in the Dominican Republic.

Click here to view a sample schedule of what a week in the Dominican Republic with El Circulo Church may look like.

El Circulo Church

Bringing the Gospel to Dominicans.


Community Outreach / Children and Youth

On this trip, Engage partners with El Circulo Church in Santo Domingo. Over a decade ago a group of young people started meeting together to learn about the Gospel. A local pastor took this group under his wing to teach them and walk with them in their faith and in a short time this group grew and grew. They eventually decided to start a church, now known as El Circulo. While there are many more generations other than just a youth group attending the church now, it’s DNA continues to be upbeat and youthful.

Ethnic GroupsMixed - 73%Black - 17%White - 7%Other - 1%
LanguagesSpanish - 98%Haitian Creole - 1%English - 0.5%Other - 0.5%
ReligionsRoman Catholic - 48%Protestant - 21%None - 28%Other - 3%
IndustriesTourismSugar processingTextilesCementTobacco
Mixed - 73%Black - 17%White - 7%Other - 1%
Spanish - 98%Haitian Creole - 1%English - 0.5%Other - 0.5%
Roman Catholic - 48%Protestant - 21%None - 28%Other - 3%
TourismSugar processingTextilesCementTobacco



I'm a group leader. How do I apply?

Groups from churches, college ministries, and Christian schools attend our trips every year. The following information is for adult group leaders who intend to bring multiple people on the same trip. To reserve space on a team for your group, follow the steps below:

  1. Contact CIY Engage. You can call us, email us, or submit this form to start the conversation! We will discuss trip options and the space we have available on those trips.
  2. Register and pay a nonrefundable deposit. After a trip has been landed on, your Engage contact will send you a link to our online registration. You will secure your number of spots by submitting a nonrefundable deposit (credit card online or send a check within 7 days of registration). The amount of the deposit depends on your date of registration. See our Group Terms & Conditions for more details

Before registering, please read through our Registration Policy